Bachelor of Arts Degree
Augustana College, Rock Island IL
Graduation 2012 | Physics Major/Math & Spanish Minors
Presidential Scholarship (2008-2012)
Entrepreneurial Leadership Scholarship (2009-2012)
Masters of Business Administration
University of South Florida, Sarasota Fl
Graduation 2014
Web/Applications Developer
Sarasota County Tax Collector, Sarasota FL
2012 - Present
Freelance IT
Lakewood Ranch FL
2014 - Present
Augustana Web Guild, Rock Island IL
2008 - 2012
Design and develop web communication using HTML, CSS, and PHP. Manage over 100 clients annually and a team of 5 developers. Lead 3 technical training seminars per year for non-technical people. Kept up-to-date with current web standards and practices
Entrepreneurial Mentor
Augustana Community Engagement Center, Rock Island IL
2010 - 2012
Complete and manage design projects such as books, brochures, handouts and posters. Teach other students the Adobe suite and design principles. Learned advanced design implementation techniques
Teaching Assistant
Augustana Department of Physics, Rock Island IL
2010 - 2012
Proctor 100 level physics labs and grade 100 and 200 level lab reports. Lead bi-weekly physics 100 help sessions. Tutor individual 100 and 200 level physics students. Learned to presenting information to a diverse group of students (music through pre-med)
Production Assistant
Augustana Communication and Marketing, Rock Island IL
2008 - 2010
Assisted production of design projects such as brochures, handouts, maps and posters. Proofed design projects for design issues, and incorrect spelling and brand usage. Helped fix computer and server issues. Learned how to follow and present brand guidelines